Yoshio Inoue
Senior partner
Fields of Expertise
Fundraising training, Human resource development, Business start-up.
Partner-up with us to achieve your mission
and develop strategies together.
Fundrex is a leading consulting firm based in Tokyo, Japan with world-standard services to NPOs, social businesses, and social innovators in the government and private sectors. We provide support and possible solutions tailored to the customer, our strength being strategy development, fundraising, marketing, evaluation, database management, and ICT.
In order to guarantee the best solution, we organize the best experts in each field to build a flexible system to support various needs. Salesforce, one of our partners, presented us with a partner award in 2012.
Since our establishment in 2008, we have supported more than 400 organizations, leaving a lasting social impact.
In order to make a changing impact on society, it is necessary to go through the following five stages of the Social Impact Cycle. We combine a variety of services to provide specific proposals and support for our customers to become more resilient in their field.
These services include impact measurement and management, fundraising strategic development, training, and hands-on support
Growth potential
research & analysis
Best practices
research & analysis
Market research
& analysis
Logic model
& KPI setting
& measuring
& improving
strategy design
strategy design
PR & marketing
strategy design
WEB contents
Online fundraising
system design
Lead to
outcome support
Event planning
& operation
- Overview of our solutions -
Born in Sumida Ward, Hokusai was an artist with world-class achievements, but for this museum to open, we had to gather 500 million yen in a span of three years; there, Sumida Ward requested Fundrex to create a master plan for donation solicitation.
built this museum, we can change Japan—let us spread the message that we, Sumida Ward, are protecting the world’s treasure.”
The donation reception system of the Japanese Red Cross Society was not easy for donors to use, and the conversion rate was low.
In order to improve the system for online donations, we brought this to Fundrex in hopes for practical fundraising methods and system reconstruction.
As a result, the new donation reception system went into operation and is reborn, easy to use for doners. We are beyond grateful to have been able to partner with Fundrex.
With the goal to gain supporters, we asked Fundrex to help with the reconstruction of the donation section of our homepage and with the payment system. In addition, as a new challenge, we launched "Support for single-parent families" (subsidy program). As a result, in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, we were able to smoothly promote conduct support and relief activities. Looking back, we received a lot of help not only for donations, but also for increasing our presence in society.
Let us introduce our team with a variety of experience and expertise.
Senior partner
Fundraising training, Human resource development, Business start-up.
Web marketing, Online fundraising, Donor Communication Design, Social impact management, B Corp.
Data-driven fundraising, Donar relation management.
FUNDREX is a member of various networks. In each of our networks, we share and accumulate the latest trends and knowledge, and work together to expand the various movements.
We have been working with individuals and corporations with diverse expertise to meet the needs of our customers. As the contents of consultations from customers diversiify, we will continue to strengthen our cooperation and provide the best services with the best team for our customers.